Tylertown First Baptist Church “The Cathedral of Deliverance” is committed to preaching the whole counsel of the Lord and reaching the world for Jesus Christ. This is the time that the Spirit of Christ becomes the empowerment in your life like never before. It is time for you to step into position for your destiny.
We are a wellspring of water, an oasis in the desert, providing living water for a people to be made whole spiritually, physically, mentally, economically and socially. Our ministry is touching Mississippi, the United States and the World.
We are empowering a people for change by tearing down traditional thinking and imparting vision. We are restoring broken lives and rebuilding families.
The habitation of our tent is enlarging, for many have come from miles around - even relocating to this area to be filled. From the least to the greatest are finding refuge in this place. In a place where they said it could not be done, has come the Cathedral of Deliverance, a pavilion of the uncommon, extraordinary, and the miraculous. We are rebuilding the ancients ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; we are called repairer of broken walls and restorer of streets with dwellings.
Apostle Clayton & Elect Lady Gwen Bullock
1506 Martin Luther King Jr Drive, Tylertown, Mississippi 39667, United States
Mailing address: PO Box 679, Tylertown, MS 39667 Office: 1-601-876-3110 Fax: 1-601-827-5037 Email: office@tylertownfirstbaptistchurch.org
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 PM
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